Our September–May preschool serves pre-kindergarten children who are 33 months (by September 1st of the current school year through five years of age regardless of race, color, nationality, or ethnic background. Parents who are considering enrolling a child should arrange for tour. You will be given a registration form and a brochure that outlines our programs. The tour offers the opportunity for you to look at the facility and observe the program.
When we accept your registration form with a registration fee, we can place your child in a classroom (as space permits). Registration is on a first come, first served basis and an orderly waiting list is maintained. Our classes tend to fill quickly.
Upon enrolling in preschool, parents will be given a packet of enrollment forms and emergency contact information that will need to be completed and returned prior to your child’s first day of school. No child will be admitted without submitting all of these forms (these are requirements from the Minnesota Department of Human Services Licensing).
Prior to the school year starting, your child’s teacher will provide you with a “Welcome Call”. You will also be invited to attend a Parent/Child Visit Day where you visit your child’s classroom, meet the teachers and to ask any questions you might have about starting preschool.
2025–2026 Preschool Registration
Preschool Registration is open. For preschool registration questions contact Kathi Wieman, Preschool Director, at kwieman@standrewlu.org
School Day Pre-K Class
St. Andrew Early Learning is offering a School Day Pre-K Class! This exciting class is specifically designed to give our 4 and 5 year olds the opportunity to stay engaged in learning by having a longer, well-balanced, fun and educational school day experience. The class will follow the half day preschool program September-May calendar, which means there will be some school days off during the school year, as well as a Christmas Break and Spring Break. The morning schedule will include circle time, learning centers, art, literacy, math, science, snack, chapel time, music, and large motor play.
Students enrolled in the School Day class will enjoy Lunch Bunch time along with their classmates (lunches will be brought from home). Afternoon programming will include some time for rest, a snack, as well as a variety of special enrichment classes including Spanish, cooking, STEAM, Preschool Book Club, large motor play and learning stations. The hours for this class will be 8:00-4:00 and will allow parents some flexibility with drop off and pick up times. For those who prefer a little later arrival time- curbside drop off will be available from 8:45-8:55 AM. This class will meet 4 days a week- Monday–Thursday. Tuition for the School Day Pre-K class is $244 per week.